Thursday, August 14, 2014


While there are plenty of rumours the most
frequently cited date is September 9th 2014.
This would be generally in keeping with Apple
MO and will obviously involve a preview or
release of other gadgets and features. Apple’s
traditions aside, it is also noted that Apple is on
a rather heavy hiring spree in China (maybe
to boost those iPhone 6 shipment dates). Some
suggest that Apple will launch a 5.5. inch
model and a 4.7 inch model, while others
argue, more plausibly, that the release will
feature a 4.7 inch model, followed by the 5.5
inch (iPhablet) sometime next month, or even
next year. Will there be two versions of the
iPhone? iPhone 6 and iPhone 6C? This is almost
certainly possible, given Apple’s efforts to cater
to the lower-end of the consumer spectrum.
The pricing should remain around the
same at about $944 for a standard version.
Some rumours suggest that Apple will
increase the price by about $100. This
won’t be entirely surpi ising if it launches
a cheaper iPhone 6C as well since it could
give the premium version a premium price
while also providing a cheaper alternative.

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